Czech toll

From 01.03.2024, the toll tariff in the Czech Republic will depend on the CO2 class (as in Austria and Germany). If at the moment the CO2 class of vehicles is not yet determined, please do so as soon as possible, for example using the calculator on the DKV page:

If the CO2 class is more than 1, then no later than 19.02.2024 you need to upload the technical passport and COC document to the DKV Cockpit, otherwise most expensive tariff will be used.If the date of first registration of the vehicle is earlier than 07/2019, then it automatically belongs to class 1 and nothing more needs to be done.If the CO2 class of the vehicle has already been determined for tolls in Austria and/or Germany, then no need to do it again

To see the prices, please log in to self-service and choose "PERSONAL PRICE MAP" from the menu.