Special arrangements due to Covid-19

Dear Client!

Due to an emergency situation caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Port One OÜ has been reorganized into home offices since 16.03.2020, which is why Siduri 3 office has been temporarily closed until 29.03.20.
If you need to send us paper VAT invoices for VAT refund or other paper documents, please do so by mail or leave it in the Port One OÜ mailbox in the lobby of our office building. We check the mailbox daily.
We issue fuel and toll cards only by mail.
Please contact us at info@port1.ee and vat@port1.ee instead of calling us. We will answer you as soon as possible.
We will announce the reopening of our physical office in the future.

Time for crossing national borders in Europe

Thank you in advance for understanding!

To see the prices, please log in to self-service www.port1.ee and choose "PERSONAL PRICE MAP" from the menu.